Maandelijks archief: november 2012

My tools around my development tools

The most frequent asked questions I encounter on, for example, LinkedIn start with “What is the best..”. “What application is the best for doing x?” etc.

And every time I comment on such a discussion, my answer contains the message “There is no tool that is the best. There’s no tool to rule them all”. What matters is that the tool works for you.

This blogpost is not about code packages I use, but about the tools I use to organize myself, to keep my data/thoughts/code in sync to minimize the time loss on stuff I want to do good, but quick so I can maximize the time to do what I love most: write code! This post is about what works for me and, most important, WHY it works for me! If you have any additions to my list or awesome stuff that must be mentioned, feel free to add them in the comments below this post.

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